Payu Payment Gateway Integration With Django
This Blog is describes the steps for technical integration process between merchant
website and PayU Payment Gateway for enabling online transactions. This Blog is covered payment gateway integration with Django Framework.
PayU Payment Gateway
PayU offers electronic payment services to merchant website through its partnerships with various banks and payment instrument companies. Through PayU, the customers would be able to make
Electronic payments through a variety of modes which are mentioned below:
- Credit cards
- Debit cards
- Online net banking accounts
- EMI payments
- Cash Cards
- Email Invoicing
- Cash on Delivery (COD)
PayU also offers an online interface (known as PayU Dashboard) where the merchant has access to various features like viewing all the transaction details, settlement reports, analytical reports etc.Through this interface, the merchant can also execute actions like capturing, cancelling andrefunding the transactions. This online interface can be accessed through Payu using the username and password provided to you.
Payment Gateway Process Flow
PayU payment Gateway Process Flow
Steps for Integration Process
The steps for integrating with PayU can technically be described as below:
1) To start off the integration process, you would be provided a test setup by PayU where you
would be given a test merchant account and test credit card credentials to have a first-hand
experience of the overall transaction flow. Here, you need to make the transaction request
on our test server (and not the production server). Once your testing is complete, then only
you will be ready to move to the PayU production server.
2) To initiate a transaction, the merchant needs to generate a POST REQUEST - which must
consist of mandatory and optional parameters mentioned in the later section. This POST
REQUEST needs to be hit on the below mentioned PayU URLs:
For PayU Test Server:
For PayU Production (LIVE) Server:
3) In the merchant initiated POST REQUEST, one of the mandatory parameters is named as
hash. The details of this hash parameter have been covered in the later section. But it is
absolutely critical for the merchant to calculate the hash correctly and post to us in the
4) When the transaction POST REQUEST hits the PayU server, a new transaction entry is
created in the PayU Database. To identify each new transaction in the PayU Database, a
unique identifier is created every time at PayU’s end. This identifier is known as the PayU ID
(or MihPayID).
5) With the POST REQUEST, customer would be re-directed to PayU’s payment page. Customer now selects the particular payment option on PayU’s page (Credit Card/Debit Card/NetBanking etc) and clicks on ‘Pay Now’. PayU re-directs the customer to the chosen bank. Thecustomer goes through the necessary authorization/authentication process at bank’s login page, and the bank gives the success/failure response back to PayU.
6) PayU marks the transaction status on the basis of response received from Bank. PayU
provides the final transaction response string to the merchant through a POST RESPONSE.
The parameters in this response are covered in the subsequent sections.
7) In the POST RESPONSE sent by PayU, you would receive the final status of the transaction.
You will receive the hash parameter here also. Similar to step 3, it is absolutely crucial to
verify this hash value at your end and then only accept/reject the invoice order. This is done
to strictly avoid any tampering attempt by the user.
Note :
Test URL: The Test URL is provided to PayU merchants to test the integration of their server with that of PayU or Bank. It is understood that since this is merely a Test URL, the Merchant should not treat any transactions done on this Test server as live and should not deliver the products/services with respect to any such test transactions even in the case your server receive a successful transaction confirmation from PayU/Bank.
Merchants are herein forth requested to set up required control checks on their (merchant) systems/servers to ensure that only those transactions should get routed to the PayU test server which are initiated with sole intention of test the environment.
PayU payment Gateway Integration with DJANGO
Onces you create the account With Payu they will provide SALT and KEY we need this two
credentials for the integration.
Parameters to be posted by Merchant to PayU in Transaction Request:
- key (Mandatory)
- txnid (Mandatory)
- amount(Mandatory)
- productinfo(Mandatory)
- firstname(Mandatory)
- email (Mandatory)
- phone (Mandatory)
- lastname
- Udf1-Udf5
- address1
- city
- state
- country
- zipcode
- surl(Mandatory)
- furl(Mandatory)
- curl(Mandatory)
- hash(Checksum)Mandatory) :sha512(key|txnid|amount|productinfo|firstname|email|udf1|udf2|udf3|udf4|udf5||||||SALT)
Udf : user defind field
Surl : Sucess URL ( Success redirection URLs )
Furl : Failure URL ( Failure redirectio URLs )
Curl : Cancelation URL( cancelation URLs)
Integration Steps in your project
Add this Section.
####### Pay yu payment integration information###################
'merchant_key': "test merchant key",
'merchant_salt': "test merchant salt",
# for production environment use ''
'payment_url': '',
###################End payment info ###############################
from django.db import models
from uuid import uuid4
from uuid import UUID
import uuid
from django_extensions.db.fields import UUIDField
class MyOrder(models.Model):
items = models.ManyToManyField(OrderItem, null=True, blank=True)
order_date = models.DateField(auto_now=True)
buyer = models.ForeignKey(Buyer)
txnid = models.CharField(max_length=36, primary_key=True)
amount = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True,default=0.0)
hash = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=True, blank=True)
billing_name = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=True, blank=True)
billing_street_address = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=True, blank=True)
billing_country = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=True, blank=True)
billing_state = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=True, blank=True)
billing_city = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=True, blank=True)
billing_pincode = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=True, blank=True)
billing_mobile = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=True, blank=True)
billing_email = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=True, blank=True)
shipping_name = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=True, blank=True)
shipping_street_address = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=True, blank=True)
shipping_country = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=True, blank=True)
shipping_state = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=True, blank=True)
shipping_city = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=True, blank=True)
shipping_pincode = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=True, blank=True)
shipping_mobile = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=True, blank=True)
shipping_rate = models.FloatField(null=False, blank=False, default=0.0)
status = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=True, blank=True)
shipping_email = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=True, blank=True)
payment_method = models.CharField(max_length=1000,verbose_name='Payment-method')
is_paid = models.BooleanField(default=False)
is_delivered = models.BooleanField(default=False)
is_accepted = models.BooleanField(default=False)
When the user click on the checkout button in your online shop,add this code add in to the that
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
import hashlib
from django.conf import settings
from .util import generate_hash
def buy_order(request):
""" funtion for save all orders and genarate order id"""
items = None
orderitem = None
extra = False
if request.user.is_authenticated() and not request.user.is_staff:
user = Buyer.objects.get(
cart = Cart.objects.get(buyer=request.user)
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
extra = "You dont have any item in your cart"
variables = RequestContext(request, {'extra': extra})
return render_to_response('home.html', variables)
total_amount = OrderItem.objects.filter(buyer=request.user)
item_list = []
rg = request.POST.get
if cart:
if request.POST:
rg('shippingnme')and rg('shippingaddress') and rg('shippingemail') and rg('shippingpostel') and rg('shippingcity') and rg('shippingcountry') and rg('shippingcountry') rg('shippingphone'):
"""store all products to myorder model and genarate order id for the order"""
myorder = MyOrder(buyer=user)
# billing User
myorder.buyer = user
# myorder of Billing Address
myorder.billing_name = request.POST.get('billingname')
myorder.billing_street_address = request.POST.get(
myorder.billing_pincode = request.POST.get('billingpostel')
myorder.billing_city = request.POST.get('billingcity')
myorder.billing_country = request.POST.get('billingcountry')
myorder.billing_state = request.POST.get('billingstate')
myorder.billing_mobile = request.POST.get('billingphone')
myorder.billing_email = request.POST.get('billingemail')
# myorder of shipping Address
myorder.shipping_pincode = request.POST.get('shippingpostel')
myorder.shipping_name = request.POST.get('shippingnme')
myorder.shipping_street_address = request.POST.get(
myorder.shipping_city = request.POST.get('shippingcity')
myorder.shipping_state = request.POST.get('shippingstate')
myorder.shipping_mobile = request.POST.get('shippingphone')
myorder.shipping_country = request.POST.get('shippingcountry')
myorder.shipping_email = request.POST.get('shippingemail')
if request.POST.get('paymentmethod'):
myorder.payment_method = request.POST.get('paymentmethod')
myorder.payment_method = 'ON'
myorder.comment = request.POST.get('prodcutmessage')
print "my messages "
print myorder.comment
# payment_method
# comment
myorder.txnid = str(uuid.uuid1().int >> 64)
"""genarate an oredr id, the below loop will add all orderd product to the order"""
for order in cart.items.all():
orderitem = OrderItem()
orderitem.buyer = order.buyer
orderitem.product_id =
orderitem.product_title =
orderitem.weight = order.product.weight
orderitem.product_price = order.product.gross_pay()[0]
orderitem.total_amount =
orderitem.quantity = order.quantity
total_details = total_price_fu(myorder)
""" After adding products to order assigning a
transaction amount and shipping charge to the order"""
myorder = MyOrder.objects.get(pk=myorder.txnid)
myorder.amount = total_details['grand_total']
myorder.shipping_rate = total_details['shipping_rate']
"""Assigning all values for hash funtion for payu"""
cleaned_data = {'key': settings.PAYU_INFO['merchant_key'], 'txnid': myorder.txnid, 'amount': myorder.amount, 'productinfo': orderitem.product_title,'firstname': myorder.billing_name, 'email': myorder.billing_email, 'udf1': ' '', 'udf2': '', 'udf3': '', 'udf4': '', 'udf5': '', 'udf6': '', 'udf7': '', 'udf8': '', 'udf9': '', 'udf10': ''}
""" the generate_hash funtion is use for genarating hash
value from cleaned_data"""
hash_o = generate_hash(cleaned_data)
myorder.hash =hash_o
return HttpResponse(
<form action='%s' method='post' name="payu">
<input type="hidden" name="firstname" value="%s" />
<input type="hidden" name="surl" value="%s" />
<input type="hidden" name="phone" value="%s" />
<input type="hidden" name="key" value="%s" />
<input type="hidden" name="hash" value =
"%s" />
<input type="hidden" name="curl" value="%s" />
<input type="hidden" name="furl" value="%s" />
<input type="hidden" name="txnid" value="%s" />
<input type="hidden" name="productinfo" value="%s" />
<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="%s" />
<input type="hidden" name="email" value="%s" />
<input type="hidden" value="submit">
<script language='javascript'>
window.onload = function(){
""" % (settings.PAYU_INFO['payment_url'],
myorder.billing_name, settings.PAYU_INFO[
from hashlib import sha512
from django.conf import settings
KEYS = ('key', 'txnid', 'amount', 'productinfo', 'firstname', 'email',
'udf1', 'udf2', 'udf3', 'udf4', 'udf5', 'udf6', 'udf7', 'udf8',
'udf9', 'udf10')
def generate_hash(data):
keys = ('key', 'txnid', 'amount', 'productinfo', 'firstname', 'email',
'udf1', 'udf2', 'udf3', 'udf4', 'udf5', 'udf6', 'udf7', 'udf8',
'udf9', 'udf10')
hash = sha512('')
for key in KEYS:
hash.update("%s%s" % (str(data.get(key, '')), '|'))
return hash.hexdigest().lower()
def verify_hash(data, SALT):
hash = sha512(settings.PAYU_INFO.get('merchant_salt'))
hash.update("%s%s" % ('|', str(data.get('status', ''))))
for key in KEYS:
hash.update("%s%s" % ('|', str(data.get(key, ''))))
return (hash.hexdigest().lower() == data.get('hash'))
Once the transaction comple we will get a set of query set in the form of Json Dictionary
eg :
<QueryDict: {u'name_on_card': [u'sda'], u'net_amount_debit': [u'10'], u'payment_source': [u'payu'], u'udf10': [u''], u'issuing_bank': [u'AXIS'], u'field7': [u''], u'udf3': [u''], u'unmappedstatus': [u'captured'], u'card_type': [u'VISA'], u'PG_TYPE': [u'HDFC'], u'addedon': [u'2014-10-20 18:50:38'], u'city': [u''], u'field8': [u''], u'field9': [u'SUCCESS'], u'field2': [u'999999'], u'field3': [u'2819211501842931'], u'field1': [u'429367481506'], u'field6': [u''], u'zipcode': [u''], u'field4': [u'-1'], u'field5': [u''], u'productinfo': [u'adsdsd'], u'address1': [u''], u'discount': [u'0.00'], u'email': [u''], u'cardhash': [u'This field is no longer supported in postback params.'], u'udf4': [u''], u'status': [u'success'], u'bank_ref_num': [u'2819211501842931'], u'error_Message': [u'No Error'], u'hash': [u'2f274b1f5ca4004db6eac28f317f9e1bff0105b7c14039ac663b9fcf50dc5910f20eaae33a938ef7989d0ecd28c6557d41f396229c21f18f4fb6f01a562ba667'], u'firstname': [u'Arun'], u'state': [u''], u'lastname': [u''], u'address2': [u''], u'error': [u'E000'], u'phone': [u'8113943843'], u'cardnum': [u'512345XXXXXX2346'], u'key': [u'gtKFFx'], u'bankcode': [u'CC'], u'mihpayid': [u'403993715510265476'], u'country': [u''], u'txnid': [u'9470041433304666596'], u'udf1': [u''], u'amount': [u'10.00'], u'udf2': [u''], u'udf5': [u''], u'mode': [u'CC'], u'udf7': [u''], u'udf6': [u''], u'udf9': [u''], u'udf8': [u'']}>
According to status in the callback queryset from the Payu. The url automaticaly redirect to the appropriate views( we mentioned this urls in and we pass the urls in the buyorder views )
# order sucess mail views
def success(request):
do what functionality you need
def failure(request):
do what functionality you need
def cancel(request):
do what functionality you need
I hope you all understood the payu payment gateway integration. this is working fine for me you can check the working with this link Electrotrendz online shop
<===============THANK YOU ============>
This Blog is covered payment gateway integration with Django Framework.
ReplyDeletepayment gateway
yes off course @Shawn Deny
Deleteplease follow this package.
DeleteHello raj, thanks for the logic. I used it but i m getting transaction failed,
ReplyDeletei checked it, it is because the hash sent by payu and the one which we computed in verify hash method using reversed keys is not matching, please suggest the solution soon
Hi Amir,
DeleteHave you added all the required field , for hashing
if you need more help , just come to the skype , i will help you to sort it out.
DeleteHello Renjith, Myself also getting same transaction error.While integrating web page into production payumoney payment gateway.But it works fine in test environment
ReplyDeleteError Reason
You seem to be using an incorrect key or salt value.
please follow
Deletehi, i would love if you can check this indentation and alot of stuff you make me confused about, like multiple imports, i wish payu official django kit would work but it's also thrwoing error because of some module resource which still occur if you do install that module. so i think maybe you can make this tutorial alot better and help alot of people. maybe not alot of people use django in india and payment gateway like payu but still we can make it much more available to other too. but please help me understand like why you importing useless stuff like uuid which you no teven using in model and also why you are importing objectnotexist which you can also use straing exception. can you help me i want to make this tutorial avaible to everyone out there who looking django integration with payu gateway.
ReplyDeletethanks by the way
have a nice day :)
you can connect me in skype : djangorenjith
Deletei will make perfect
DeleteHi, need help in payumoney integration as it is giving me error like this..
ReplyDeleteError Reason
Transaction failed due to incorrectly calculated hash parameter.
Corrective Action
Please ensure that the hash used in transaction request is calculated using the correct formula. Please note the correct formula for calculating the value of hash:
Based on above formula and applying for this transaction, hash should be calculated as mentioned below :
hash = sha512(gtKFFx|77430fe3cf66ecb2650b|399|this is product|vikash||||||||||||eCwWELxi) = Array
As seen above, correct hash value should have been - Array
But the hash posted in the transaction request from your end was - d58556d31a83a0aa90ebcd08d27c20c5dcc1f30d31e9ca71d9b206fef34762a36f25167445596e9e98ee713516ea00dd317793647bdc78522bad3be94bf51aa9
Please re-initiate a transaction with correctly calculated hash value
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please follow
Deletehi, am getting the same error as priya bhdake mentioned in above comment like
ReplyDeleteHi, need help in payumoney integration as it is giving me error like this..
Error Reason
Transaction failed due to incorrectly calculated hash parameter.
Corrective Action
Please ensure that the hash used in transaction request is calculated using the correct formula. Please note the correct formula for calculating the value of hash:
Based on above formula and applying for this transaction, hash should be calculated as mentioned below :
hash = sha512(gtKFFx|77430fe3cf66ecb2650b|399|this is product|vikash||||||||||||eCwWELxi) = Array
As seen above, correct hash value should have been - Array
But the hash posted in the transaction request from your end was - d58556d31a83a0aa90ebcd08d27c20c5dcc1f30d31e9ca71d9b206fef34762a36f25167445596e9e98ee713516ea00dd317793647bdc78522bad3be94bf51aa9
Please re-initiate a transaction with correctly calculated hash value
please Help me
please follow
Deleteam stuck in generating Hash please help me out
ReplyDeleteNo one is here to help
ReplyDeleteHi Shailesh, I have forget the credentials so only I didnt noticed .
DeleteHi Every one, The blog account password i got forgeted , so please you can go forward with recently created package for payu.
please follow
ReplyDeleteHow to get test setup by PayU where you would be given a test merchant account and test credit card credentials????????
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