Thursday, October 8, 2015

Selenium Tutorial: Web Scraping with Selenium and Python [ by argument passing example: python 2015/05/05 ]


           Web Scraping with Selenium and Python

Imagine what would you do if you could automate all the repetitive and boring activities you perform using internet, like checking every day the first results of Google for a given keyword, or download a bunch of files from different websites.

In this code you’ll learn to use Selenium with Python, a Web Scraping tool that simulates a user surfing the Internet. For example, you can cial accounts, simulate a user to test your web application, and anything you find in your daily live that it’s repetitive. The possibilities are infinite! :-) 

Here my example code for scrap the data from the sports website. grab all the data  and filter the data according to category's like football,cricket,basketball etc , this code will help you to detail understand about the working selenium with python ,and how to  scrap the data using the technology 

     Step 1 : Create Virtual ENV 

               You need to install virtual environments in your local machine if virtualenv is installed in                    your system create a virtualenv using this command : virtualenv scrapy. if you dont                            installed the virtual env install virtualenv in your root in your machine : sudo pip install                      virtualenv. activate the env using source scrapy/bin/activate.

    Step 2 : Install dependencies in your env.

  •                 BeautifulSoup==3.2.1
  •                 EasyProcess==0.1.9
  •                 PyVirtualDisplay==0.1.5
  •                 argparse==1.2.1
  •                 beautifulsoup4==4.4.1
  •                 selenium==2.47.3
  •                wsgiref==0.1.2
Step 3 :  download the code from the git hub and run it. you can see the script downloading the match               details accodring to category wise and make it in txt file.
              This code you can run it two way with argument and with arguments.
              if you run the code as python : you can see the details according to today and tomorrow. and if you run the code like python 2015/05/05 , you will get the match details according to the   this date ( 2015/05/05 ).

please make sure the pip installed in your machine.

My Script for scrapping is : scrapping file




Sunday, October 4, 2015

Asynchronous Tasks With Django and Celery

Asynchronous Tasks With Django and Celery

Django Celery Architecture 

When i was working on projects in  Django ,  one of the most frustrating thing I faced was need to run a bit of code periodically, i wrote my own function is for sending newsletter on the Monday morning 10 am , this time i faced lots of problem because some times my function did not working properly don't mean's syntactically , so i may think to start where i done wrong , is right no ? then how the problem is occurring , after that finally i found a solution for do some task periodically we can use Celery.

What is Celery ?

Celery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing. It is focused on real-time operation, but supports scheduling as well.” For this post, we will focus on the scheduling feature to periodically run a job/task.
Why is this useful?
  • Think of all the times you have had to run a certain task in the future. Perhaps you needed to access an API every hour. Or maybe you needed to send a batch of emails at the end of the day. Large or small, Celery makes scheduling such periodic tasks easy.
  • You never want end users to have to wait unnecessarily for pages to load or actions to complete. If a long process is part of your application’s workflow, you can use Celery to execute that process in the background, as resources become available, so that your application can continue to respond to client requests. This keeps the task out of the application’s context.
What you need ?

Celery requires a message transport to send and receive messages. The RabbitMQ and Redis broker transports are feature complete, but there’s also support for a myriad of other experimental solutions, including using SQLite for local development.
Celery can run on a single machine, on multiple machines, or even across data centers.

First Steps with Celery

Celery is a task queue with batteries included. It is easy to use so that you can get started without learning the full complexities of the problem it solves. It is designed around best practices so that your product can scale and integrate with other languages, and it comes with the tools and support you need to run such a system in production.

In this blog you will learn the absolute basics of using Celery. You will learn about;
  • Choosing and installing a message transport (broker).
  • Installing Celery and creating your first task.
  • Starting the worker and calling tasks.
  • Keeping track of tasks as they transition through different states, and inspecting return values.
     Choosing a Broker
         Celery requires a solution to send and receive messages; usually this comes in the form of          a separate service called a message broker.
         There are several choices available, including: (please search google for more details )
                  Using a database
                  Other brokers

 Installing Celery

 Celery is on the Python Package Index (PyPI), so it can be installed with standard Python tools like  pip or easy_install:

$ pip install celery
Example :

Let’s create the file

from celery import Celery

app = Celery('tasks', broker='amqp://guest@localhost//')

def add(x, y):
    return x + y

Example Project :

Clone my project  url : git cloe

Project Description :

This Project mainly looking for basic understand about the periodic task ( scheduling task ) in django. The scope of the project is collect the images from the flickr latest images and store in to data base in every two minute (change with your own time ) make it a gallery.
heroku url :
step 1 : Create Virtualenv using (virtualenv env)

step 2 : open terminal activate the env

step 3 : clone the project command ( git clone )

step 4 : make the path to project ( cd photogallery in linux )

step 5 : install packages which we required for this project ( pip install -r requrements.txt )

step 6 : install broker here im used redis ( if install redis server also in your local machine )

step 7 : open new terminal start the redis server ( redis-server command )

step 8 : Running Locally
    Ready to run this thing?

    With your Django App and Redis running, open two new terminal windows/tabs. In each new window, navigate to your project directory, activate your virtualenv, and then run the following commands (one in each window):

    $ celery -A pincha worker -l info
    $ celery -A pincha beat -l info

    When you visit the site on you should now see one image. Our app gets one image from Flickr every 2 minutes: ( here i just take images freequent intervel please make your intervel )
Help !!
Please feel free to contact me :

Friday, October 2, 2015

Rest API with Django Rest Framework

How to Create a RestAPI's with Django Rest Framework 

When I start to write rest api's in django i used django-tastypie , but the problem is  almost all the my clients and my friends are done RestAPI's  it in DRF(Django Rest Framework) , so i forced  to learn DRF. when i start write Rest API's with DRF it's really going awesome.I am currently using Django REST Framework quite extensively.  It is really easy to extend their Serializer base class to create custom serializers and resources, although their default Serializer handles a lot of different types so you may not need to.  I'll admit the documentation for DRF is a bit disorganized, but the source code itself is well-documented and there are good examples included in the documentation.  

I decided on using DRF after getting started trying to do the same thing with TastyPie.  (In case you didn't know, Piston isn't being actively maintained, last time I checked.)   I found DRF to be more flexible than TastyPie, less opinionated, and wonderfully architected.  And the API Browser that comes automatically with DRF has proved itself to be invaluable.  The framework is seriously in the top two or three Django add-ons that I've found as far as quality, ease-of-use, and ingenuity goes, its a wonder that the documentation isn't up to par with the framework itself.

please clone my git project then you can see the how i create rest API's for a movie store , it include the database and everything,
Just clone the project locally and install the package using pip install -r requirements.txt , and run it locally you can see the movie list , filtering and all 
The project Description : This Project have two user  admin and User , admin can add , edit ,remove movies and the user can only see and searching the movies , this project telling you about the permissions and searching, filtering and etc, 
credentials for the admin user is : username : admin , password : admin

git hub url is :

heroku url is :

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Remove .pyc files in your project

                         REMOVE .pyc FILES IN YOUR DJANGO PROJECT

  1. Remove .pyc files using git rm *.pyc. If this not work use git rm -f *.pyc
  2. Commit git commit -a -m 'all pyc files removed'
  3. Push git push
  4. In future commits you can ignore .pyc files by creating a .gitignore file